Transition and transfer

Young people with disabilities, such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida, move from children’s health services to adults’ health services usually around the age of 18. Transfer is the actual event of moving from children’s to adults’ health services. Some young people may transfer before they turn 18 or some may stay in children’s services a little longer. Some will transfer when they have completed school. The timing of your transfer will depend on several things such as the policy of the service, your wishes, your health and what’s going on in your life. You may also transfer from different services at different times.

Transition is the process of planning and preparing for this move.

Transition is a gradual process. Transition should involve you, your parents, your health professionals, GP and others involved in your care. Moving away from a team of health professionals that you have been with for many years can be scary but hopefully, by getting involved in the transition process you will feel more confident and happier about the move.

The right time to start the process will vary from person to person. You can start the transition process at any age. However starting early can give you more time to develop the knowledge and skills to manage your own healthcare as an adult. A rough guide is to start thinking about it from age 12. See our Checklists for more information about how you might prepare from age 12 onwards.